Errors & Fixes

Important Notice: Windows XP with Servicepack 2

Some older LM2000 and LM Professional installer programs will not function on Windows XP machines with Servicepack 2 installed.
Replacements exist since Dec 2004.
Link to the Win XP SP2-adapted package:
Win XP SP2 LM2000 installation file for Windows XP Servicepack 2

This page has three parts.


"Portable folder installations":   The problem: If you have another BDE program running, the "portable folder" LM installation will report "Borland Database Engine (BDE) not found".
Solution: Execute the file uninstall_local_BDE.bat to remove the BDE files in the LM program folder . (A requirement is that you already have a BDE installation (notified in the Windows Registry) in the machine.)

Outlines: Doubleclicking a line (project) in an outline saves the outline and opens a new outline build with the clicked project as name. This is a potent command, but it might be executed by mistake. Reload the previous outline if needed. (This function has been made optional in LM Pro).

Important installation issue:
The Paradox database system (version 5) will not allow filenames with path included to be longer than 79 characters. Example: D:\Program Files\Sommestad\The Literary Machine 2000\project.db If you install somewhere else than in the suggested D:\Program Files\Sommestad\, keep it short. Warning message in version 1.128B and upwards.

Merge Words: Merge Words in the Concept Window will only function for a pair of words, not for three or more.

Windows 95 problems with late 1.1 versions: Windows 95 installations may have general resource problems with version 1.1, probably due to the increased complexity in the program. In the final 1.1 version it will be possible to set the maximum number of text items on screen to 30 - 200. The lower limit could be necessary for Windows-95.

Return from external sessions, like editing files, sometimes requires a click on taskbar.

DOS-jobs (backup and restore) must be manually deleted from taskbar (Windows 95/98).

DOS jobs time-scheduled and may take a long time to complete. Workaround: Let the timeout message stay on screen until you can see that all work in the command window is done.

Desktop map
repaints with delay only. (Intentional to save resources, pls click update.)

WordPerfect will not work as standard word processor (as helper text editor) within LM. Two things can cause problems with invoking other programs from LM:

  1. Long file names. May cause troubles with system modules that have been migrated to the system from 16-bit systems. This is solved here (like in other systems) with the "8.3" short filename convention. (= Short names with " ~ " in them).
  2. The application will not conform to the scheme: Run: EXEAPPNAME filename. That is, it will not take upstart file name as 1st parameter on the command line. This is the WordPerfect case. WP starts a dialogue which disturbs LM. (This is a "shell"-type and not an OLE-connection).

Tips: To find out if a word processor will work within LM, do this test: Make a shortcut to the wordprocessor exe file. Drag and drop a text file on it (Like ReadMe.txt). If it works, and works without any upcoming "Do you really want to.." dialog box, LM will take it. Copy the path and filename from "Properties" of the shortcut and insert into the LM.ini file. Example:

TextEditor = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\WINWORD.EXE

Advanced autostart options with LM (autostart in minimized position) or (accidentally) double-clicking the start icon one extra time may case errors (like "referenced memory at...") Escape via "Cancel" or "Ok" and start again.

Reinstalling (or version refresh of) Corel products (WordPerfect) may require reinstall of LM. (1 reported case).

The PdxRbld freeware for packing tables may require a BDE-version setting in the ini-file. See PdxRbld documentation in Readme.rtf

The sub-application "Wordboiler" displays its window in the "always on top manner". However, this may be disturbed if other applications also use "on-top". If the Wordboiler disappears, look for it behind the LM main window. (You can place it alongside the main application window.)

Helpfile generally not accepted by users. Minor revision with version 1.112 lm.exe package and with 1.117 (Separate download file). See Release notes for any extra info needed.

Repaint of text item corners (color) may temporarily fail.

XML-import comparatively slow.

No pack of database within system. (See "Database maintenance" page).

URL capture insufficient as to length and unusual characters used.

Bugs in project handling and start-up of documents/web-pages were corrected in version 1.118D.

Character set adaptations (See "Adapt to other language" page).

Paradox database system (BDEADMIN.exe) must not be configured for multi-user access. If you get growing *.lck files somewhere on your disks during execution run the BDEADMIN.exe database setup program and set LOCAL SHARE to false. (Select Configuration/System/Init).

The warning for .lck files and the suggestion to set LOCAL SHARE = FALSE in BDEADMIN.exe may reappear too often. Fixed in 1.121B. SHAREMODEWARNING=0 suppresses the warning. (However, it is not to recommended to allow LOCAL Share = TRUE)

The "Large Font" setting in Windows is not recommended - some dialog windows become distorted.

There are irregularities in the automatic saving of "excluded words" in the Wordboiler. Users should manually load and save "exclude words" if they are used.

Program Fixes (Details)

Dec 14, 2001

IMPORTANT FIXES in versions later than 1.051 (= Oct 22, 2000)

Unhooking a project from a new item can remove a keyword also: FIXED (1.129)

Find command: (FIXED 1.127)
When using a search string with a blank (=several words), the command misses some occurrencies. The search is performed on one line at a time in the text window - missing those items where the two words were split on two lines.

1) URL:s stored in the project "box" may fail if they contain arguments separated by commas or other unusual constructs. FIX: Comma separation case fixed; else the problem remains. Length = 80 chars; will not be changed, since it is defined in the database. Same applies to title length (38 chars)

2) FIXED: BookWidth in .ini-file not in effect.

3) FIXED: Project box; "Exceute on file extension" could fail if the filename contains blanks.

4) Behavior of "flyword" dropped on item changed: No longer supports direct keyword update. WORKAROUND: Drop Flyword in dictionary, then drop the selected word directly onto the item.

5) FlyWord by DoubleClick option in .ini-file not ok. FIXED.

6) FIXED: New items did not have correct "text side-up" mode set; the new
right button menu on single words would not function.

7) Insert new word with testing; must find both Dict and Inflec entries. FIXED.

8) Menu selection Edit/Copy (to get word in table); apply also to inflection window. FIXED.

9) Concatenation of very long texts unchecked in memory. FIXED, concatenated texts limited to 250 000 characters.

10) Minor memory leakage (connected to big clipboard copies). FIXED.

11) Inflection" data that was saved to a zip-file was not included in a subsequent restore operation. FIXED. [1.113E]

12) The Paradox database system (version 5) will not allow filenames with path included to be longer than 79 characters. Example: D:\Program Files\Sommestad\The Literary Machine 2000\project.db If you install somewhere else than in the suggested D:\Program Files\Sommestad\, keep it short. Warning message inserted in version 1.128E

DATABASE - comments and hints:

a) Utility menu: See new entry "Find damaged items"

b) Compress the data base: Use a freeware like Roman Krejcis program Pdxrbld: (Information in help file about rebuild on restore not correct.)

c) Change character set: The instructions found in Online Help/Help Center still applies. Complicated, but reported to work (Hungary, Norway, etc)


- Outline subsystem:
(1) When deleting a project, the corresponding tree node in an outline
tree showing will not disappear automatically. Workaround: Save this outline and reload it.

(2)When using the Unhook command to delete a tree node, this node will
be placed at bottom. However, if the node is a branch in the tree, the subnodes will not show up.Workaround: Save this outline and reload it.

2) fixed in 1.127.

- Windows-95 installations will often get problems with resources. Probably the 1.1 version of the program has grown too big for Windows-95. A setting in the INI file can help: Set MachineIndex = 50 for small Windows-95 machines and set it high (max 200) for modern machines. (Equals maximum number of items on screen.) The program has been modified in ways that often will make it exit very quick on serious problems, in order to prevent damage.

- Return from external sessions, like editing the ini-file requires click on taskbar.

- DOS-jobs (backup) must be manually deleted from taskbar (win95/98).

- DOS jobs time-scheduled and may take a long time to complete. WORKAROUND: Let the timeout message stay on screen until you can see that all work in the command window is done.
- Wordperfect will not work as standard wordprocessor within LM.

The problems with invoking other programs from LM are:

  1. Long file names. May cause troubles with system modules that has been migrated to the system from 16-bit systems. This is solved here (like in other systems) with the "8.3" short filename convention. (= Short names with " ~ " in them).
  2. The app will not conform to the scheme: Run: EXEAPPNAME filename that is it will not take the upstart file name as 1st parameter on the command line. This is the WP case. WP starts a dialogue which disturbs LM. (This is a "shell"-type and not an OLE-connection).

Tips: Make a shortcut to the wordprocessor exe file. Drag and drop a text file on it (Like ReadMe.txt). If it works, and works without any upcoming "Do you really want to.." ,LM will take it. Copy the shortcut path and filename from "Properties" of the shortcut and insert into the LM.ini file. Example: TextEditor = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\WINWORD.EXE

- Desktop map repaints with delay only.
(Intentional to save resources, pls click update.)

- Advanced autostart options with LM (autostart in minimized position) or (accidentally) double-clicking the start icon one extra time may case errors (like "referenced memory at..."). Escape via "Cancel" or "Ok" and start again. Also notice that the LM icon is removed a few seconds before it is actually terminated. Do not restart too soon; else you will either gracefully land in the current session or create the abovementioned conflict.

- Reinstalling (or version refresh of) Corel products (WordPerfect) may require reinstall of LM. (1 reported case).

- The warning for .lck files and the suggstion to set LOCAL SHARE = FALSE in BDEADMIN.exe may reappear too often. Fixed in 1.121B. Also: SHAREMODEWARNING=0 suppresses the warning.

- The PdxRbld freeware for packing tables may require a BDE-version setting in the ini-file. See PdxRbld documentation in Readme.rtf

- The sub-application "Wordboiler" displays its window in the "always on top manner". However, this may be disturbed if other applications also use "on-top". If the Wordboiler disappears, look for it behind the LM main window. (You can place it alongside the main application window.)

- Marked/highlighted string in an item in connection with a find text will show first embedded occurrence - even if an exact search was performed. (Look further down if needed.)

- Repaint of text item corners (color) may temporarily fail.

- XML-import comparatively slow.

- No pack of database within system. (See suggestion abot software on Help Center page).

- URL capture insufficient as to length and unusual characters used.

- Bugs in project handling and start-up of documents/web-pages were corrected in version 1.18D.

- Character set adaptions - (See discussion on Help Center page).

- Paradox database system (BDEADMIN.exe) must not be configured for multi-user access. If you get growing *.lck files somewhere on your disks during execution - run the BDEADMIN.exe database setup program and set LOCAL SHARE to false. (Select Configuration/System/Init).

- The installation menu contains the item "Windows 95"; to be checked for such installations in order to get "drops" on the extended desktop right. However, these functions appears to be somewhat instable, you might have to checkmark "Windows 95" also for Windows 2000 installations.

- The "Large Font" setting in Windows is not recommended - some dialog windows become distorted.


Maximum size for text displayed in windows is 32000 characters. Generally, the maximum size for text displayed in other types of LM windows is a bit higher — it is a resource question. Anyway, we do not recommend longer texts than 32000 characters anywhere in an editable window.

Maximum size of a concatenated text (like a project text stream or a bookmode-stream) is 250,000 characters.

There is no limit on the size of text or HTML output from the Outliner, since this data is written to a file.

Words (and thus Concepts) must not be longer then 38 characters. The same limit applies to Project names. URL: s (or file paths) in the projects box may be 80 characters long.

Some URLs with complicated encoded strings or untypical characters are not supported, however those with commas at the end may work depending on a special fix.

It remains that 80 characters will in many cases not suffice for URL capture. Since this is database-bound in LM, improvements will not come soon.

When LM encounters a long filename and path, as a first resort it tries to
shorten the file refrence by using the "8.3" short filename convention. (These are shortened names with tilde [~] in them to replace the omitted characters.)

The maximum number of entries in concept boxes or keyword/project lists in an item is set to 24.

The maximum number of open windows is determined by your MachineIndex setting. By default it is set to about 80. Depending on your computer's memory situation, this limit may be too low, or in extreme cases, too high. If you get error messages like "cannot open window," they indicate that Windows has been severely strained. Try to avoid opening too many objects. The LM system tries to protect data in all such situations, but texts or keywords may be blanked out at such failures.

The program was developed and compiled on a Windows 95 / 32 Mby / 133 MHz machine. Windows 95 machines need a setting Windows-95 in the menu Installation. This fixes a peculiarity in Delphi/Windows treatment of window control positioning. Windows 95/98 does not close DOS jobs (such as zipping and unzipping backups during back-up and restore operations). Sooner or later, you must close them on the Windows Task Bar. Other differences between Windows 95/98, NT, 2000 or ME have not been reported. (Windows 2000 is by far the best choice of system.)

There is no rollback facility (i.e., the ability to undo changes step by step or to restore the state of a previous point in time). Even if you know how to handle a Paradox database, it is preferable to rely on back-ups if there are data base damages.

Be aware of how great a demand you put on resources when loading big pictures or very long texts into LM. Be cautious by updating the database first and closing unnecessary windows. There are number of checks and limits encoded in the program, but they could fail in some cases. Use the backup function frequently. Your valuable work must be protected against various technical risks not all being inside the LM program itself.